CU Succeed Honorarium Faculty
Honorarium Faculty Appointment Instructions
To receive an honorarium appointment in their appropriate discipline department at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, instructors must:
Possess a Master's degree (Preferably within the field which you are teaching) with at least 18 graduate credits within the content area you are teaching
Teaching experience suitable for appointment in the Department
If you wish to be considered for an honorarium faculty appointment in the CU Succeed Program, please submit the following information:
Additional Information
Fill out the Honorarium Faculty Appointment Form in Word Document.
EDUCATION: List degrees, dates, major field(s), institutions attended, and titles of thesis and/or dissertation if applicable. List any meetings, courses, workshops, or symposia related to this teaching endeavor which you have recently attended. You will need to furnish unofficial transcripts of coursework indicating your 18 graduate credits within your content area if you do not have a graduate degree within your content area.
TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Describe the teaching appointments/assignments that are most relevant to the appointment sought. Include a brief description of teaching employment history, courses taught (including number of times each course has been taught), level of instruction, and any other information germane to the CU - Succeed program.
REFERENCES: List names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of three individuals who are familiar with your educational background and teaching ability. Preferably one of these should be the principal or other administrator in your high school. These individuals will be contacted at the discretion of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs appropriate department. You need not request letters of recommendation from these individuals.
Course Syllabus including textbook selection, topics covered, course objectives and any details pertinent to your curriculum and course delivery.
Biology Appointment: Submit with your application: Initial Review for UCCS Biology
Math or Statistics Appointment: Submit cumulative final exam(s) and answer key(s) with application.
More Info...
For a smooth process, it is best to submit all required application materials at one time.
Applications are reviewed year-round; allow up to 4 weeks for review.
Application submisioin
Additional Information
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs CU Succeed courses are taught in the high school by high school faculty whose education and experience are appropriate for an honorarium appointment in the appropriate department at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Specifically, they must Possess a Master's degree (Preferably within the field which you are teaching) with at least 18 graduate credits within the content area you are teaching.
There is no salary paid by University of Colorado Colorado Springs to the teacher of a CU Succeed course.
University of Colorado Colorado Springs pays the Local Education Provider $5 per credit per verified enrollment.
- The grade the student earns on her/his high school transcript for the high school course need not match the grade the student earns on her/his University of Colorado Colorado Springs transcript for the CU - Succeed course. In particular, a student may choose to Withdraw from a CU - Succeed course without withdrawing from the associated high school course.
- The grade 'W' (for Withdraw) may be given to a student after the drop deadline (the last day for a student to disenroll) and before the withdraw deadline. No Withdraws are allowed after the withdraw deadline.
- There are no Incomplete grades. Students who are still enrolled in the course after the withdraw deadline must be given a letter grade.
In most cases, students are officially enrolled in the CU course during Spring Semester.
Exceptions include:- Courses that begin and end within the Fall Semester (approx. August - December)
- Courses where two semesters of credit are awarded, i.e. Calculus BC, which includes credit for Calculus I in the Fall Semester and Calculus II in the Spring Semester, or General Physics, which may include credit for General Physics I in the Fall Semester and General Physics II in the Spring Semester
Students will be notified by their teacher if their course includes a Fall Semester enrollment in addition to or instead of a Spring Semester enrollment.
- Applicable for math courses:
- At least 10%, and no more than 20%, of a student's grade will be determined by student performance on homework and other out-of-classroom assignments.
- The remaining percentage of the student's grade will be determined by student performance on in-class exams. There will be in-class 'midterms' throughout the course, and a comprehensive final. The comprehensive final exam must count for at least 25%, but no more than 40%, of the student's course grade.
- For instructions on submitting grades, click here.
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